Tecno Fidta
#TecnoFdta Conecta

News on Technology, Economics and International Business for the Food Technology Industry

The TecnoFidta community once again shares an update space where exchange and dialogue are the protagonists. News and debates make up the proposal of this series of virtual talks that you cannot miss.

Within the framework of TecnoFidta Conecta, four online meetings will be held in the coming months that invite you to explore an interesting variety of topics of interest to the sector.

Schedule the dates to join!

Thursday October 5th
8th. Edition of the Additives, Ingredients and Beverages Course “Trends in food formulation”
Thursday, November 2th
9th Applied Science and Technology Conference on Bovine Meat “Integration of the production chain, process and meat products.
Thursday, November 24 
14va. Poultry Day: Sustainability, a commitment to the sector.
Thursday December 14
7th Swine Day: Challenging the limits of productivity


More info

The last meetings of the year complete a schedule that began in March and provided monthly online talks, covering a topic that covers the most notable points of the food industry value chain, its challenges and opportunities.

March - 12th Poultry Day: Challenges for the poultry sector 2023
April - 7th Applied Science and Technology Conference on Bovine Meat “Integration of the production chain, process and meat products.
May - 7th Edition of the Additives, Ingredients and Beverages Course “Trends in food formulation”
June - 5th Swine Day: Challenging the limits of productivity
July - 13th Poultry Day: Only Health
August - 8th Applied Science and Technology Conference on Bovine Meat “Integration of the production chain, process and meat products.

The activities are free, with limited spaces.

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