
Argentinian Machinery - Ammonia Refrigeration Congress

In the Argentinian Machinery space, the International Institute of Natural Refrigeration (IIAR) will hold the Ammonia Refrigeration Congress, where it will offer a series of talks of interest to the sector, under the title "Safety, innovation, and knowledge".

Key information

Congreso de Seguridad Integral

Date: September, 17, 18 y 19th 
Hour ; 3 a 5 p.m.
Place: Stand 1A-37 - Argentinian Machinery Maquinarias Argentinas - Yellow Pavilion
Admission: Free of charge. With previous registration. Registration for the Congress includes access to the exhibition. 



Ammonia Refrigeration Congress
"Security, innovation and knowledge"

Tuesday, September 17

  • 3:00 PM | Welcome by Federico Alarcón | IIAR LATAM Administrator
  • 3:10 PM | An opportunity for knowledge to benefit the Argentine industry | IIAR
  • 4:00 PM | Innovation in Industrial Evaporators | THERMOFIN
  • 5:00 PM | Safe and Sustainable Use of Natural Refrigerants | CTI

Wednesday, September 18

  • 3:00 PM | Heat Pumps: The ideal solution to recover energy from processes | INTERMIA
  • 4:00 PM | Ammonia Absorption Refrigeration System | VMC
  • Refrigerants: Safe and Sustainable Use of Natural Refrigerants | BOMBADUR

Thursday, September 19

  • 3:00 PM | Variables that directly impact the efficiency of refrigeration systems | MERCOFRIO
  • 4:00 PM | Choosing the ideal refrigerant for different industrial applications and logistics centers
  • 5:00 PM | End User Testimony

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