Tecno Fidta gathers the main players in food processing. In its 16th edition, participants will have the opportunity to discuss and exchange information about the market situation and learn about the latest trends in food products and technology.
The next edition already has prominent brands confirmed such as Alfa Argentina; Bizerba; Bosch Rexroth; Crosetto Ingenieria; Food Technology; Fragol; Heat & Control; Insumos Patagonia; Interbion; Klüber Lubrication; Farmesa; Mayekawa; Mit Maquinarias; Multivac; Plásticos Dise; Poly-Clip; Urschel Lationamerica S.R.L. and Vmc Refrigeración.
The Project Manager, Fabián Natalini, stated: “We are very excited about all the preparations for the next edition of Tecno Fidta 2024. It will once again be the meeting point for the sector's leaders. More than 120 brands have already confirmed their participation and will present the latest innovations and technology available on the market. The exhibition is the ideal space to revalue the national industry and show the impact that the sector has. In addition, it will give the possibility of networking and generating new business relationships.”
Visitors who walk the aisles of Tecno Fidta will find the latest developments in terms of products and services related to packaging and bottling; accessories and peripherals; additives; automation and control; spices; ingredients and raw materials; laboratories and quality control; oilseeds; fishing; processing; industrial hygiene products for food and beverage plants; refrigeration and services for industry.
Exhibitors will have their space and the opportunity to present the latest advances in the food sector through talks and demos of their products. In addition, throughout the four days an extensive schedule of academic activities will be developed; and the International Matchmaking Program of the Food Technology, Additives and Ingredients Sector, which is the opportunity for international buyers to meet with national exhibiting companies, seeking new markets for their developments and products.
Tecno Fidta will be held on September 17-20, 2024 at the La Rural Trade Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Exclusive event for professionals and business professionals in the sector. By invitation: free of charge To register you must submit your ID. People under 18 years will not be admitted, even if attending with an adult. Baby strollers are not allowed.
More information:
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https://www.facebook.com/TecnoFidta https://twitter.com/TecnoFidta https://www.instagram.com/tecnofidta/ https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/tecnofidta
Ignacio Pérez Press and Communication Analyst
Phone: +54 11 7078 4844 ignacio.perez@argentina.messefrankfuert.com
Messe Frankfurt Argentina Mariscal Antonio José de Sucre 530 1428 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Camila Loch Press Consultant Mauro y Asociados Phone: +54 2324 558730 cloch@mauroyasociados.com.ar https://mauroyasociados.com.ar/
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